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Leave of absence

If there are important, verifiable reasons, students at Osnabrück University can be granted leave of absence until the end of the re-registration period, in exceptional cases even within two months of the start of the semester, upon written application (PDF, 169 kB).

Important reasons are, in particular:

  • having to perform an official duty
  • falling ill or having to care for a close relative
  • pursuing study abroad that is obligatory or recommended on your degree program lasting a minimum of three months, a part of which, at least, touches with the lecture period at Osnabrück University
  • working as an elected representative in academic or student self-administration
  • pregnancy, parental leave or caring for a child at a time when parental leave would be applicable due to the existence of an employment relationship
  • completing an internship that is obligatory or recommended on your degree program that lasts for at least half the semester

Leave of absence may not be granted for

  • the first semester, with the exception of study abroad on a consecutive Master’s program if you have written consent by the competent school
  • for past semesters

Leave of absence is only permitted for full semesters and, as a rule, only for a maximum of two consecutive semesters. Students may not be granted a leave of absence for more than four semesters during the course of study of a degree program.

If you are on leave of absence due to pregnancy, maternity leave or parental leave, please note the information below.

During the leave of absence, students retain their rights as members; however, they are not entitled to attend courses, complete coursework and examinations or make use of the university's support services during this time.

Please note: Students who are on leave of absence due to a period of study abroad (§ 11 para. 3 no. 3 of the Enrollment Regulations) are also entitled to take examinations during the period of leave of absence.

The semesters on leave are counted as university semesters, but not as subject semesters. Your study deposit will not be used up. However, a separate application for "non-use of study deposit" is not required.

Students on leave of absence are exempt from paying the administrative fee. If the facilities of the Studentenwerk (canteen) or the services of the student body (semester ticket) are used, a reduced semester fee must be transferred for the respective semester. If students on leave of absence are completely exempt from paying fees, no validity imprint will be printed on the Campuscard for the semester in question.

Since August 1, 2018, the MuSchG has also been applicable to pregnant and breastfeeding students (§ 1 para. 2 no. 8 MuSchG). This means that expectant mothers are also entitled to maternity leave during their studies.

Leave of absence from studies due to maternity protection or parental leave is governed by the relevant provisions of the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG) and the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (BEEG), as amended.

What do you need to consider, what do you need to know?

  • you must properly re-register for each semester during pregnancy, maternity leave or parental leave;
  • the semesters on leave are counted as university semesters, not as subject semesters;
  • your study credit will not be used up during a leave of absence;
  • you do not need to submit a separate application of non-use of the study deposit;
  • the application for a leave of absence must be submitted anew for each semester with the relevant evidence (see application);
  • a limitation of the leave of absence to only two consecutive semesters and no more than four semesters in total does not apply in the case of pregnancy and parental leave;
  • a leave of absence due to parenthood can also be taken in the first semester, unlike a leave of absence for other reasons.

Leave of absence from studies due to parental leave is also governed by the relevant provisions of the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (BEEG) as amended.

This means that parents can apply for leave of absence, even at the same time, up to a maximum of the child's third birthday (max. 6 semesters). If there are several children, the entitlement applies to each child, even if the periods overlap. 24 months (i.e. 4 semesters) can be postponed until the child reaches the age of 8.

Special regulation: In the case of an adopted child and a child in foster care, parental leave can be taken for a total of three years from the time the child is taken into care, but no longer than until the child reaches the age of seven.

Students can apply for parental leave if they live in a household with their child (a child for which they meet the eligibility requirements or a child that they have taken into full-time care) and look after and bring up this child themselves. In the case of foreign students, the parents' home law is decisive for the legal relationship between parents and child (please enclose proof of personal custody in German).

Application for a leave of absence.