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Reregistration dates
July 1–31 every winter semester
February 1–28 every summer semester
In order to continue your studies at Osnabrück University, you must reregister every semester.
To reregister, please transfer the semester fee to Osnabrück University’s account. The fee comprises the following:
Semester fee for the summer semester 2025: € 361.90
Plus eventually long-term study fee: € 500
If you are over the age of 60, an extra fee (€ 800) is payable in addition to the semester fee.
You are responsible for ensuring your reregistration – you will not receive an extra prompt or reminder to do so. If you fail to reregister in time, you will be exmatriculated in accordance with the provisions laid down in Lower Saxony Higher Education Act.
As soon as you have transferred the amount in good time, you can validate your Campuscard for the next semester at a validation point, extending its validity. A letter will be sent to you containing your registration certificates, BAföG certificate and request for payment for the subsequent semester. Please inform the Admissions Office immediately if your postal address changes.
Please note:
Validation of the Campuscard is possible from the time of re-registration and is strongly recommended to prevent waiting times and absences.
In the section "HISinONE" - "My studies" - "Student services" you can see whether you are already re-registered.
You will find the validation machines in StudiOS (building 19), in the libraries of Alte Münze (building 10) and Westerberg (building 96) as well as in the Departmental Library of Law and Economics (21/22).
Please use the following details for reregistration:
Recipient: Universität Osnabrück
Bank: Nord LB
IBAN: DE19250500000199961566
Amount: € 361.90
Reference: 20251your matriculation number