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International Students
Brochures / Flyers
Studying Abroad
General Information on Studying Abroad
- Flyer: Information Meetings on Studying Abroad in the Winter Term 2024/25 (PDF, 201 kB)
- PowerPoint Presentation "Study Abroad" (PDF, 1,5 MB)
- PowerPoint Presentation "Funding possibilities outside Europe" (PDF, 0,9 MB)
- Guidelines for the Accreditation of Courses and Examinations taken by Osnabrück University Students Abroad (PDF, 294 kB)
- DAAD Brochure "Studying Abroad | How does it work? - Facts and Tips" (PDF, 1,6 MB)
Student Exchanges with Partner Universities in Europe 2025/26
Student Exchanges with Partner Universities Overseas 2025/26
- Online Application
- Application Documentation Overseas 2025/26 (PDF, 285 kB)
- Info-Sheet "language certificate" (PDF, 150 kB)
- DAAD Language Certificate Form (PDF, 145 kB)
- Accompanying Notes for Application Documentation Overseas 2025/26 (PDF, 337 kB)
- Letter of Recommendation Application Documentation Overseas (PDF, 67 kB)
- Learning Agreement (DOCX, 1,7 MB)
- Transcript of Records Application Documentation Overseas (PDF, 52 kB)
- Cover Page Experience Report (PDF, 553 kB)
ERASMUS Exchanges
- List of Places on ERASMUS Exchanges
- List of ERASMUS Departmental Coordinators (PDF, 1,3 MB)
- Online Application
- Application Documentation Europe 2025/26 (for use after consulting your departmental coordinator) (PDF, 205 kB)
- Erasmus Learning Agreement for Exchanges 2023/24 (DOCX, 39 kB)
- UOS Guidelines for the ERASMUS+ Online Learning Agreement (OLA) (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Check-list for Exchanges 2023/24 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Statement on Safety and Security 2023/24 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Information on Erasmus Grants (Student Exchanges) 2023/24 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Certificate of Arrival (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Certificate of Attendance 2023/24 (PDF, 1,3 MB)
- Cover Page Experience Report (PDF, 553 kB)
Internships Abroad
General Information on Traineeships Abroad / ERASMUS Traineeships
- Information and Check-list for Applications for ERASMUS Traineeships (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Online Application
- Declaration on Previous Funding/Insurance Cover/Enrolment (part of the application documentation for ERASMUS Traineeships) (PDF, 435 kB)
- Declaration of honour, fewer opportunities - green travel traineeship (PDF, 194 kB)
- Erasmus Learning Agreement for Traineeships: BEFORE the Exchange (DOCX, 74 kB)
- Erasmus Learning Agreement for Traineeships: DURING the Exchange (DOCX, 37 kB)
- Erasmus Learning Agreement for Traineeships: AFTER the Exchange (Traineeship Certificate) (DOCX, 36 kB)
- Erasmus+ Guidelines Learning Agreement for Traineeships (PDF, 56 kB)
- Statement on Safety and Security 2024/25 (PDF, 1,4 MB)
- Information on ERASMUS Grants (Traineeships) 2023/24 (PDF, 135 kB)
- ERASMUS Student Charta (PDF, 1,6 MB)
- DAAD Brochure "Traineeships Abroad | How does it Work? - Facts and Tips" (PDF, 3,3 MB)
For Professors and Lecturers
Applications and Forms
- Model Cooperations Agreement between Institutes/Departments (DOC, 93 kB)
- Model Cooperation Agreement between Universities (DOC, 93 kB)
- Guidelines for arranging new Cooperation Agreements (PDF, 146 kB)
- Registration Form for Guest House (PDF, 164 kB)
- MWK_European and International Cooperation_Funding Rates and Application Process (PDF, 222 kB)
- MWK_European and International Cooperation_Important Information for the Application (PDF, 42 kB)
- MWK_European and International Cooperation_Application Form (PDF, 208 kB)
- Erasmus+ Traineeships_Information for Schools and Departments (in German) (PDF, 496 kB)
- Erasmus+ Traineeships_Information for Schools and Research Facilities (in English) (PDF, 525 kB)